
"I have learnt so much more now. I feel confident to enter the workforce or start my own business. Top notch!"

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Certificate IV in Business.
Flexlearn Enrolment Page

Overview - Enrol

Non-Internet Enrolment
If you would prefer not to enrol online, please send an email to Flexlearn and we will discuss alternative options. email: info@flexlearn.edu.au.

Online Enrolment
Please note that this application is for an enrollment in a course with Flexlearn Institute (Registered Training Organisation 1626) it is a nationally accredited course providing online &/or correspondence units. This course is most suitable for people who have some working experience. Application for credit, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for your existing skills will form a part of the enrollment process after this form has been completed and processed.

Personal Details
Title Full Name (First name & Last name)
Mr Mrs Miss Ms
Residential Address

Suburb/Town Post Code
Phone Contacts
Mobile Number .......................................... Home Phone - Optional - (Please include area code with this number).
Work Phone Contact
Work Phone Number. If applicable. (Please include area code with this number).
DOB and Contact
Date of Birth ............................................................... Best time to call. If we need to call indicate best day of week and time.
Very brief work/employment history and current job if employed (optional).
Payment Details
Course fees Certificate IV $1500 (Can be paid as 3 x $500 over 3 months)
1. Pay By EFT or cheque
I will make payment using my Student Number as the reference.(You make this payment when advised that your application is approved and are issued with a student number and an invoice)
Some of your course fees are refundable if you cancel your enrollment.
Enrol - Check the boxes below as they apply to you.
I have left school and am over 15 years of age
I am an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident
I am a New Zealand Citizen permanently residing in Australia
I am an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
I am a Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card Holder or I am named on a card as a partner or dependant of a card holder
I am enrolling in a Certificate IV Course

Overview - Enrol